535 research outputs found

    A history of the Potawatomi Indians, 1615-1795 /

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    Canonical Generations and the British Left: The Narrative Construction of the Miners’ Strike 1984–85

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    ‘Generations’ have been invoked to describe a variety of social and cultural relationships, and to understand the development of self-conscious group identity. Equally, the term can be an applied label and politically useful construct; generations can be retrospectively produced. Drawing on the concept of ‘canonical generations’ – those whose experiences come to epitomise an event of historic and symbolic importance – this article examines the narrative creation and functions of ‘generations’ as collective memory shapes and re-shapes the desire for social change. Building a case study of the canonical role of the miners’ strike of 1984–85 in the narrative history of the British left, it examines the selective appropriation and transmission of the past in the development of political consciousness. It foregrounds the autobiographical narratives of activists who, in examining and legitimising their own actions and prospects, (re)produce a ‘generation’ in order to create a relatable and useful historical understanding

    The Distance and Metallicity of the Newly Discovered, Nearby Irregular Galaxy HIZSS3

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    HIZSS3 is an H I source in the Zone of Avoidance. Its radio characteristics are consistent with it being nearby (~ 1.8 Mpc) low-mass dwarf irregular (dIm) galaxy. It contains a modest H II region, but its stellar population has not been resolved by optical observations. MMT spectra of the H II region are used to derive the line-of-sight extinction (E(B-V) = 1.41 +/- 0.04) and gas metallicity (log O/H + 12 ~ 7.8). ESO VLT near-IR images clearly reveal a resolved stellar population. Narrow-band Pbeta images of the H II region are used in combination with previously published Halpha data to obtain an independent line-of-sight extinction estimate: E(B-V) = 1.32 +/- 0.04. The adopted foreground extinction is E(B-V) = 1.36 +/- 0.06. Based on the K-band luminosity function and K,J-K color-magnitude diagram, the apparent magnitude and color of the tip of the red-giant branch (TRGB) are derived. In turn, these parameters are combined with the adopted foreground extinction to estimate the distance (1.69 +/- 0.07 Mpc) and mean red giant branch metallicity ([Fe/H] = -0.5 +/- 0.1). As an ensemble, these new observations significantly strengthen the conclusion that HIZSS3 is a newly discovered low-mass dIm lurking behind the Milky Way in the outskirts of the Local Group.Comment: Accepted, scheduled for ApJ, 10 Apr 05, V623 ; 14 page

    The Canada-UK Deep Submillimetre Survey: First Submillimetre Images, the Source Counts, and Resolution of the Background

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    We present the first results of a deep unbiased submillimetre survey carried out at 450 and 850 microns. We detected 12 sources at 850 microns, giving a surface density of sources with 850-micron flux densities > 2.8mJy of of 0.49+-0.16 per square arcmin. The sources constitute 20-30% of the background radiation at 850 microns and thus a significant fraction of the entire background radiation produced by stars. This implies, through the connection between metallicity and background radiation, that a significant fraction of all the stars that have ever been formed were formed in objects like those detected here. The combination of their large contribution to the background radiation and their extreme bolometric luminosities make these objects excellent candidates for being proto-ellipticals. Optical astronomers have recently shown that the UV-luminosity density of the universe increases by a factor of about 10 between z=0 and z=1 and then decreases again at higher redshifts. Using the results of a parallel submillimetre survey of the local universe, we show that both the submillimetre source density and background can be explained if the submillimetre luminosity density evolves in a similar way to the UV-luminosity density. Thus, if these sources are ellipticals in the process of formation, they may be forming at relatively modest redshifts.Comment: 8 pages (LATEX), 6 postscript figures, submitted to ApJ Letter

    X-Rays from NGC 3256: High-Energy Emission in Starburst Galaxies and Their Contribution to the Cosmic X-Ray Background

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    The infrared-luminous galaxy NGC3256 is a classic example of a merger induced nuclear starburst system. We find here that it is the most X-ray luminous star-forming galaxy yet detected (~10^42 ergs/s). Long-slit optical spectroscopy and a deep, high-resolution ROSAT X-ray image show that the starburst is driving a "superwind" which accounts for ~20% of the observed soft (kT~0.3 keV) X-ray emission. Our model for the broadband X-ray emission of NGC3256 contains two additional components: a warm thermal plasma (kT~0.8 keV) associated with the central starburst, and a hard power-law component with an energy index of ~0.7. We find that the input of mechanical energy from the starburst is more than sufficient to sustain the observed level of emission. We also examine possible origins for the power-law component, concluding that neither a buried AGN nor the expected population of high-mass X-ray binaries can account for this emission. Inverse-Compton scattering, involving the galaxy's copious flux of infrared photons and the relativistic electrons produced by supernovae, is likely to make a substantial contribution to the hard X-ray flux. Such a model is consistent with the observed radio and IR fluxes and the radio and X-ray spectral indices. We explore the role of X-ray-luminous starbursts in the production of the cosmic X-ray background radiation. The number counts and spectral index distribution of the faint radio source population, thought to be dominated by star-forming galaxies, suggest that a significant fraction of the hard X-ray background could arise from starbursts at moderate redshift.Comment: 31 pages (tex, epsf), 8 figures (postscript files), accepted for publication in Part 1 of The Astrophysical Journa

    The Canada-UK Deep Submillimetre Survey: The Survey of the 14-hour field

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    We have used SCUBA to survey an area of 50 square arcmin, detecting 19 sources down to a 3sigma sensitivity limit of 3.5 mJy at 850 microns. We have used Monte-Carlo simulations to assess the effect of source confusion and noise on the SCUBA fluxes and positions, finding that the fluxes of sources in the SCUBA surveys are significantly biased upwards and that the fraction of the 850 micron background that has been resolved by SCUBA has been overestimated. The radio/submillmetre flux ratios imply that the dust in these galaxies is being heated by young stars rather than AGN. We have used simple evolution models based on our parallel SCUBA survey of the local universe to address the major questions about the SCUBA sources: (1) what fraction of the star formation at high redshift is hidden by dust? (2) Does the submillimetre luminosity density reach a maximum at some redshift? (3) If the SCUBA sources are proto-ellipticals, when exactly did ellipticals form? However, we show that the observations are not yet good enough for definitive answers to these questions. There are, for example, acceptable models in which 10 times as much high-redshift star formation is hidden by dust as is seen at optical wavelengths, but also acceptable ones in which the amount of hidden star formation is less than that seen optically. There are acceptable models in which very little star formation occurred before a redshift of three (as might be expected in models of hierarchical galaxy formation), but also ones in which 30% of the stars have formed by this redshift. The key to answering these questions are measurements of the dust temperatures and redshifts of the SCUBA sources.Comment: 41 pages (latex), 17 postscript figures, to appear in the November issue of the Astronomical Journa

    The Origin of the Mass--Metallicity Relation: Insights from 53,000 Star-Forming Galaxies in the SDSS

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    We utilize Sloan Digital Sky Survey imaging and spectroscopy of ~53,000 star-forming galaxies at z~0.1 to study the relation between stellar mass and gas-phase metallicity. We derive gas-phase oxygen abundances and stellar masses using new techniques which make use of the latest stellar evolutionary synthesis and photoionization models. We find a tight (+/-0.1 dex) correlation between stellar mass and metallicity spanning over 3 orders of magnitude in stellar mass and a factor of 10 in metallicity. The relation is relatively steep from 10^{8.5} - 10^{10.5} M_sun, in good accord with known trends between luminosity and metallicity, but flattens above 10^{10.5} M_sun. We use indirect estimates of the gas mass based on the H-alpha luminosity to compare our data to predictions from simple closed box chemical evolution models. We show that metal loss is strongly anti-correlated with baryonic mass, with low mass dwarf galaxies being 5 times more metal-depleted than L* galaxies at z~0.1. Evidence for metal depletion is not confined to dwarf galaxies, but is found in galaxies with masses as high as 10^{10} M_sun. We interpret this as strong evidence both of the ubiquity of galactic winds and of their effectiveness in removing metals from galaxy potential wells.Comment: ApJ accepted, 15 pages, 9 figures, emulateapj.st

    The TRUST Principles for digital repositories.

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    As information and communication technology has become pervasive in our society, we are increasingly dependent on both digital data and repositories that provide access to and enable the use of such resources. Repositories must earn the trust of the communities they intend to serve and demonstrate that they are reliable and capable of appropriately managing the data they hold. Following a year-long public discussion and building on existing community consensus1, several stakeholders, representing various segments of the digital repository community, have collaboratively developed and endorsed a set of guiding principles to demonstrate digital repository trustworthiness. Transparency, Responsibility, User focus, Sustainability and Technology: the TRUST Principles provide a common framework to facilitate discussion and implementation of best practice in digital preservation by all stakeholders.Proyecto de Enlace de Biblioteca

    The validity of using ICD-9 codes and pharmacy records to identify patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Background: Administrative data is often used to identify patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), yet the validity of this approach is unclear. We sought to develop a predictive model utilizing administrative data to accurately identify patients with COPD. Methods: Sequential logistic regression models were constructed using 9573 patients with postbronchodilator spirometry at two Veterans Affairs medical centers (2003-2007). COPD was defined as: 1) FEV1/FVC <0.70, and 2) FEV1/FVC < lower limits of normal. Model inputs included age, outpatient or inpatient COPD-related ICD-9 codes, and the number of metered does inhalers (MDI) prescribed over the one year prior to and one year post spirometry. Model performance was assessed using standard criteria. Results: 4564 of 9573 patients (47.7%) had an FEV1/FVC < 0.70. The presence of ≄1 outpatient COPD visit had a sensitivity of 76% and specificity of 67%; the AUC was 0.75 (95% CI 0.74-0.76). Adding the use of albuterol MDI increased the AUC of this model to 0.76 (95% CI 0.75-0.77) while the addition of ipratropium bromide MDI increased the AUC to 0.77 (95% CI 0.76-0.78). The best performing model included: ≄6 albuterol MDI, ≄3 ipratropium MDI, ≄1 outpatient ICD-9 code, ≄1 inpatient ICD-9 code, and age, achieving an AUC of 0.79 (95% CI 0.78-0.80). Conclusion: Commonly used definitions of COPD in observational studies misclassify the majority of patients as having COPD. Using multiple diagnostic codes in combination with pharmacy data improves the ability to accurately identify patients with COPD.Department of Veterans Affairs, Health Services Research and Development (DHA), American Lung Association (CI- 51755-N) awarded to DHA, the American Thoracic Society Fellow Career Development AwardPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/84155/1/Cooke - ICD9 validity in COPD.pd
